Bifocal Contact Lenses Fort Myers
You’ve likely heard of bifocal glasses, but did you know that bifocal contact lenses are available in Fort Myers at Elmquist Eye Group? Let’s learn more.
Bifocal contacts contain two prescriptions, one to correct your current refractive error and one to correct near-term vision. If you are over age 40, you may be experiencing more difficulty with close-up vision. The condition is known as presbyopia, which is an age-related farsightedness. You might be struggling to see words in print, but your distance vision is fine.
Presbyopia is very common, and it may be your only refractive error. If so, you can use reading glasses when needed. More than likely, however, you have more than one type of refractive error, and if this is the case, bifocal contacts may be the answer.
How do bifocal contact lenses work?
Bifocal contact lenses have definitely evolved. A few years ago, patients had to wear a different prescription in each eye; one is used to correct the refractive error and one is to correct presbyopia. The different lenses took some getting used to, and many patients said it was hard to judge distances.
Today, there are two different types of bifocal contact lenses. The first type is a segmented design, very similar to bifocal glasses that have the distinct middle line. Contacts work the same way, with one prescription on top and the other on the bottom. The contact lenses are weighted to better remain in one place on your eye lens rather than moving around.
The second type of lens is called a concentric lens, also called a simultaneous lens. Rather than the upper and lower segments, these contacts have inner and outer rings, like the rings on a tree. The outer ring is one prescription and the inner ring is another.
Am I a candidate?
We have many patients who have worn contacts for years, perhaps to correct nearsightedness or astigmatism. As they hit their forties, they transition to bifocal contact lenses. Since they are used to contact lenses, most patients transition well. There is an adjustment period to the two prescriptions, but most patients do well.
Bifocal contacts are soft contact lenses and come in daily disposable options, as well as weekly and monthly wear options.
If you are interested, our Elmquist team will perform a contact lens exam to fit you for bifocal contact lenses. This is the same exam you’ve had before for contact lenses, and we will ask you about your daily habits, sports and other activities to make sure they are right for you.
If you are over 40 and have noticed that you have to hold the newspaper or phone at arm’s length these days to see clearly, you may need bifocals. If you don’t want to wear glasses, bifocal contact lenses are here in Fort Myers at Elmquist Eye Group. We have been serving southwest Floridians for over two decades and we want you to be our next happy patient. Come in and see us today. You can call our Fort Myers office or our Cape Coral location, or schedule your appointment online. We can’t wait to meet you!